I often get asked who Grace is.
It must be someone of significance, right?
Am I Grace?
Is my mother Grace?
Is my grandmother Grace?
My niece?
"Oh! I know. . . your dog!"
I believe all of these to be true… But so much more.
Let me introduce you to Grace.
Grace is defined by elegance of form or motion, to add beauty to, embellish or decorate. Grace is to favor or to honor. It is pardon, mercy, to show kindness. Grace is undeserved love and forgiveness. To me, Grace is unconditional love. That real love you get when all the newness is gone and your hair has been loved off (if you don't know what I'm talking about you'll have to read the velveteen rabbit) I can never seem to wrap my mind around it.
Grace truly amazes me.
It is something the world needs more of. To be wrapped in Grace is the most wonderful indescribable feeling. One simple, small word with such a huge meeting! It's power is unstoppable. It reminds me that even though we may feel small or unimportant at times, but our little light shining could be the only thing helping to keep someone else from darkness.
What is grace to you?
Who is grace to you?